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Downloads SSuite Office

Name : SSuite Office
Sprache : Deutsch und Englisch
Anforderungen: Windows 64 Bit (7, 10, 11) oder Linux 64 Bit
Datenbank ID : 3322
Version : OmegaOffice HD+ 2.4 (Update melden)
Größe : ca. 28 Mb
Downloadzahl : 1322 mal
Autor : Van Loo Software
Verfügbar ab : Gast
Beschreibung :

This office suite was created for the professional and discerning computer user. The application interfaces have been enlarged to view the functions, features, and menu structures for better user-interaction on Full HD monitors.

This office suite introduces some new innovative concepts in interface design and user-friendly application interaction. You also dont even have a need for .NET or even JAVA to be installed. This will save you a lot of hard drive space and precious computer resources.

The tabbed document interfaces also make it easier to find your opened documents with a single view. The thumbnail previews enhances the user-interaction further by displaying the whole document layout, whether you are creating pdfs, image documents, or simply displaying the print preview as you create your important document, thesis, letter, or birthday card.

A number of available features give you a fine degree of control over the formatting of text, pages, sections of documents, and also entire documents in WordGraph. You may also save your documents in a variety of industry standard formats and even export them to pdf, jpg, bmp, png, gif, and our own presentation format ssp. Document compatibility with MS Office - { rtf, doc, txt, xls }

Create PDFs without any additional software. Use the built-in PDF capabilities of WordGraph to share your work easily and with everyone! Adobe Acrobat is NOT required to create these handy files. Now, its easy to turn your Word documents, rich text, and presentations files into PDFs.

Designed to give you the finest document-formatting tools, WordGraph helps you organize and write your documents more efficiently and much faster with the help of our new and more colourful interfaces that are no more than three-levels deep.

WordGraph is everything you would expect from a professional word processing application. It is fast, reliable, pleasant to the eyes and senses, simply everything you need to manage your everyday correspondence. Useful features and functions assist you in writing serial letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages{seven dictionaries included - American, British, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish}.

Applications List for OmegaOffice HD v2.4:

- NetSurfer HD
- WordGraph HD
- EZPhoto Editor HD
- Accel Spreadsheet HD
- Year and Day Planner HD

Extra Applications:

- Tetris 2D
- CleverNote PIM
- Envelope Printer
- EZPhoto Album and Presentation Viewer

Sicherheit :

Wir haben den Download SSuite Office in Version OmegaOffice HD+ 2.4 gründlich mit Antivirenprogrammen überprüft. Dieser Download ist virenfrei und kann ohne bedenken von jedem Benutzer verwendet werden.

Information :

Sollte der Download SSuite Office eine .rar, .zip oder .iso Datei sein, eignet sich das Programm 7-Zip um diese zu entpacken.

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