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Google Top10

Manchmal möchte man sich zu einem Suchbegriff nur die ersten 10 Webseiten ohne weitere Infos aus dem Suchindex von Google anzeigen lassen. Dieses Script hilft Ihnen dabei.




   if(!isset($q)) {
      echo "<form action=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\" method=\"post\">
             <input type=\"text\" name=\"q\">
             <input type=\"submit\" value=\"search\">
   else {
      $off_site = "http://www.google.com/search?q=".urlencode($q)."&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8";
      $fp = fopen ($off_site, "r") or die("Unable to open file ".$off_site." for reading");

      while (!feof ($fp)) {
         $buf = trim(fgets($fp, 4096));
         $pos = strpos($buf,"<p class=g>");

         if($pos !== false) {
            $parts = explode("<p class=g>", $buf);
            $parts2 = explode("http://", $parts[1]);
            $parts3 = explode(">", $parts2[1]);
            echo "<a href=\"http://".$parts3[0]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$parts3[0]."</a><br>";



   if(!isset($q)) {
      echo "<form action=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\" method=\"post\">
             <input type=\"text\" name=\"q\"><br />
             <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Google    Suche\">
   else {
      $off_site = "http://www.google.de/search?q=".urlencode($q)."&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8";
      $fp = fopen ($off_site, "r") or die("Unable to open file ".$off_site." for reading");

      while (!feof ($fp)) {
         $buf = trim(fgets($fp, 4096));
         $pos = strpos($buf,"<p class=g>");

         if($pos !== false) {
            $parts = explode("<p class=g>", $buf);
            $parts2 = explode("http://", $parts[1]);
            $parts3 = explode(">", $parts2[1]);
            echo "<a href=\"http://".$parts3[0]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$parts3[0]."</a><br>";


ID: 685
eingestellt am: 11.02.2005
Autor: NA
Status zum lesen: Gast
gelesen: 8421
Webseite: www.dreamcodes.com