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Downloads Image Hosting

Name : Image Hosting
Sprache : Deutsch und Englisch
Anforderungen: Windows 64 Bit (7, 10, 11) oder Linux 64 Bit
Datenbank ID : 3384
Version : 1.1 (Update melden)
Größe : ca. 1,6 Mb
Downloadzahl : 74 mal
Autor : Keine Angabe
Verfügbar ab : registrierter Benutzer
Beschreibung :

Upload methods:

- Single
- Multi
- Ajax
- Remote
- Cover

Upload options:

- Adult/Non-Adult Upload
- Thumbnail Size (5 dynamic thumbnail sizes)
- Add download links to image
- Folder structured uploads (all images will go in folders by year/month/day. This way the script will support a very very large number of images without any performance issues)
- Choose in which gallery you want to upload

Users feature:

- Registration (with captcha)
- Galleries (galleries will help to organise better your images and also when youre in a image that is in a gallery, you will have bellow the image, more images from that gallery. You can configure how many galleries can have a regular user and a premium user). You can add, remove or rename any gallery.
- Gallery slideshow (you can choose your gallery to be public or private. If it’s public, you can view a slideshow with all your pictures from specific gallery)
- Fully user panel
- See all images uploaded
- Quick select images to: see all bb/html codes, move to another gallery, mark as clean/adult, delete
- Search your photos by ID and moderate (move to other gallery, delete, mark as clean/adult)
- Lock account (this is a security feature. When LOCK is active, you cant make any modifications to your account. To unlock you have to hit button unlock and enter the security code that you will recive in your email)
- Normal/ Premium (all images of a premium user are without any advertise and supports more image galleries)
- Support Ticket system inbuild (Fully functional ticket support)
- Private messages (send private messages to specific users)
- Set account to upload in specific gallery
- Referal system
- Complete Paypal IPN – payment system, with transactions logs, buy premium account or extend for how many time you need to with instant activation. You can change between sandbox and actual paypal from config.php
- Premium user with expiration date
- User password recovery

Admin features:

- Manage all users
- Delete photos / mark as adult/ clean (by selection, or by specified ID)
- Delete images if after X days has not been accesed.
- Login brute forge security logs – if password entered is invalid 5 times, captcha appears and all bad logins are situated in admin logs.
- Ads configure (for clean side and adult side)
- Analytics configure (any page analytics you like)
- Search user by username or image id
- Pop ads configuration and premium users text configuration
- View all images of a user, mark all images as adult/clean, remove all images of a user
- Database backup/download (you can easily back-up your mysql database with one click)
- Ban username or IP with reason
- View all tickets of a user
- Statistics page for images, top images, galleries, users, banning, multi servers, etc.
- Update Manager – for easy updates between new versions

Multi server features:

- Add/ Edit/ Delete multiple FTP server
- Multiple options for multiserver usage:
0 = Multiserver disabled – all uploads will be on your current server even you have any servers activated in Admin Panel (Local only)
1 = Multiserver enabled – your uploads will be randomly mixed only on your active servers (FTP only)
2 = Multiserver enabled mixed – your uploads will be randomly mixed on your active servers and also on your local server (FTP + Local)

Other features:

- Mail SMTP configuration (this work also on windows servers)
- Download image option
- Enable/Disable from cover/remote/multi/zip upload from config.php
- Email notification for every IPN payment recived.
- Disable/Enable and set pricing for IPN from config.php
- Set upload ony for registered members from config.php
- Set your own dimensions for thumbnails directly in config.php
- Choose in config.php your defaults for adult/clean images, or none for user mandatory select
- Direct link to image option – activate from config.php
- Continue to image button (enable disable from config.php)

Sicherheit :

Wir haben den Download Image Hosting in Version 1.1 gründlich mit Antivirenprogrammen überprüft. Dieser Download ist virenfrei und kann ohne bedenken von jedem Benutzer verwendet werden.

Information :

Sollte der Download Image Hosting eine .rar, .zip oder .iso Datei sein, eignet sich das Programm 7-Zip um diese zu entpacken.

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