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Tutorials Form Gen.


Form Gen.

Ein wahnsinns praktisches Teil wenn mal schnell ein Formular benötigt das auch noch gleich mit validiert werden soll.


class form_o_mat
var $id; //Form name (to identify if it was send)
var $action; //Where should this form post? (if nothing, it self)
var $caption; //Caption to show the user
var $target = "_self"; //What should the target be?
var $style; //If there is a css class for this form, put the name here
var $enctype; //Will automaticly be set to multipart/form-data if there is a form with a file obj.
var $hide = FALSE; //Shuld the form be hidden if there are no errors in the send data?

var $_error=""; //Intern error trigger
var $_error_msg=""; //Intern error message to be displayed
var $_data=""; //Intern usage for storing the form data

function insert_object( $name, $caption, $needed=FALSE, $type="text", $size="", $value="" )
$needed_signal = "";

if( isset( $_POST[$this->id] ) )
$this->_check_data( $name, $type, $needed );

$value = $_POST[$name];
if( $needed == TRUE )
$needed_signal = "* ";

$return = '<tr><td valign="top"><b>'. $caption .'</b>'. $needed_signal .'</td><td valign="top">';

$value = htmlspecialchars( $value );

switch( $type )
case 'password':
$size = preg_replace( "/\D/i", "", $size );
if( !empty( $size ) )
$size = 'size="'. $size .'"';
$attribs = 'type="password" '. $size;

if( !empty( $value ) )
$value = 'value="'. $value .'"';

$return .= '<input name="'. $name .'" '. $attribs .' '. $value .'>';
case 'file':
$this->enctype = 'multipart/form-data';

$size = preg_replace( "/\D/i", "", $size );
if( !empty( $size ) )
$size = 'size="'. $size .'"';
$attribs = 'type="file" '. $size;

if( !empty( $value ) )
$value = 'value="'. $value .'"';

$return .= '<input name="'. $name .'" '. $attribs .' '. $value .'>';
case 'textarea':
$size = explode( 'x', $size );
if( !empty( $size[0] ) AND !empty( $size[1] ) )
$size = 'cols="'. $size[0] .'" rows="'.$size[1] .'"';

$return .= '<textarea name="'. $name .'" '. $size .'">'. $value .'</textarea>';
$size = preg_replace( "/\D/i", "", $size );
if( !empty( $size ) )
$size = 'size="'. $size .'"';
$attribs = 'type="text" '. $size;

if( !empty( $value ) )
$value = 'value="'. $value .'"';

$return .= '<input name="'. $name .'" '. $attribs .' '. $value .'>';

$return .= '</td><td valign="top">'. $this->_error_msg .'</td></tr>';

$this->_data .= $return;
return true;

function insert_object_group( $name, $caption, $value, $needed="", $type="", $description="" )
if( isset( $_POST[$this->id] ) )
$this->_check_data( $name, $type, $needed );
if( $needed == TRUE )
$needed_signal = "* ";

$return = '<tr><td valign="top"><b>'. $caption .'</b>'. $needed_signal .'</td><td valign="top">';

if( !is_array( $value ) OR ( !empty( $description ) AND !is_array( $description ) ) )
return false;

switch( $type )
case 'radio':
if( empty( $description ) )
$description = $value;

foreach( $value as $key => $item )
if( isset( $_POST[$this->id] ) AND $_POST[$name] == $item )
$checked = "checked";
$checked = "";
$return .= '<lable><input type="radio" name="'. $name .'" value="'. $item .'" '. $checked .'>'. $description[$key] .'</lable><br/>';
case 'check':
if( empty( $description ) )
$description = $value;

foreach( $value as $key => $item )
if( @in_array( $item, $_POST[$name] ) )
$checked = "checked";
$checked = "";
$return .= '<lable><input type="checkbox" name="'. $name .'[]" value="'. $item .'" '. $checked .'>'. $description[$key] .'</lable><br/>';
$return .= '<select name="'. $name .'">';

if( empty( $description ) )
$description = $value;
$return .= '<option value="">-- select what is true --</option>';
foreach( $value as $key => $item )
if( isset( $_POST[$this->id] ) AND $_POST[$name] == $item )
$selected = "selected";
$selected = "";
$return .= '<option value="'. $item .'" '. $selected .'>'. $description[$key] .'</option>';

$return .= '</select>';

$return .= '</td><td valign="top">'. $this->_error_msg .'</td></tr>';

$this->_data .= $return;
return true;

function _check_data( $name, $type, $needed )
if( $type == TRUE AND $needed != FALSE )
if( $type == 'check' )
$string = "";
$i = "";
if( isset( $_POST[$name] ) )
$i = count( $_POST[$name] );
while( $i > 0 )
$string .= 'i';
$string = $_POST[$name];
$count = strlen( $string );

if( $needed == 1 )
if( $count >= $needed )
$this->_error_msg = "";
return true;
$this->_error_msg = "this information must be entered";
$this->_error = TRUE;
return false;
$needed = explode( "-", $needed );
if( !empty( $needed[1] ) )
if( ( $count <= max( $needed[0], $needed[1] ) ) AND ( $count >= min( $needed[0], $needed[1] ) ) )
$this->_error_msg = "";
return true;
$this->_error_msg = 'must be '. min( $needed[0], $needed[1] ) .' to '. max( $needed[0], $needed[1] ) .' characters long!';
$this->_error = TRUE;
return false;
if( empty( $needed[1] ) )
if( $count >= $needed[0] )
$this->_error_msg = "";
return true;
$this->_error_msg = 'this information must be atleast '. $needed[0] .' characers long!';
$this->_error = TRUE;
return false;
$this->_error_msg = "";
return true;

function dump_form()
$style = "";

if( !empty( $this->style ) )
$style = 'class="'. $this->style .'"';
if( empty( $this->action ) )
$this->action = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if( !empty( $this->caption ) )
$result = '<h2>'. $this->caption .'</h2>';
if( !empty( $this->enctype ) )
$enctype = 'enctype="'. $this->enctype .'"';

$result .= '<table>'. $this->_data .'<tr><td valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top">* This information is required<td valign="top"></td></tr></table>';
$return = '<form action="'. $this->action .'" method="post" target="'. $this->target .'" '. $style .'>';
$return .= $result;
$return .= '<input name="'. $this->id .'" type="submit"><input type="reset"></form>';

if( $this->_error == FALSE AND $this->hide == TRUE AND isset( $_POST[$this->id] ) )
return true;
return $return;


Seiten : 1
hinzugefügt am : 28.01.2005
Autor : NA
Listings ID : 643
Status zum lesen : Gast
gelesen : 7228 mal
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